Tag: Germany

  • Benelux (Plus) Vacation Recap

    Benelux (Plus) Vacation Recap

    For anyone tuning in for the first time, this blog series catalogs a month-long trip, primarily through Belgium and the Netherlands, with a few days spent in Switzerland, Luxemburg, and a smidgen of Germany. Each entry offers photos, observations, and reflections from one traveler after a limited time in each location. Experiences and opinions may…

  • Back to Brussels (via Frankfurt)

    Back to Brussels (via Frankfurt)

    Readers of the first few entries that discussed Brussels (1, 2, 3) will have seen a plethora of negative commentary about the city with a few notable bright spots. Having learned from the prior visits, a third, brief trip through the city was a vastly-improved experience. Part of that was due to arriving late and…

  • Three Countries, One Day

    Three Countries, One Day

    The goal for the day was to get from Maastricht to Robertville, Belgium in order to hike westward through a valley the next morning. This route worked out nicely to take in some sights along the way: Drielandenpunt The first stop was the point where the Belgian, Dutch, and German borders meet. Much like the…