A Different Side of Brussels
The city is certainly a bustling metropolis, plagued by the same issues as every other place with a relatively high population density. In the city center, trash is piled high for pickup, locals are hurried and unfriendly, and tourists are tripping over each other for the best selfies.
Brussels is also a place with tranquil parks, well-maintained tourist spaces away from the center, and, of course, neighborhoods where the residents seem to care about their surroundings. If you visit, explore neighborhoods as far from Grand Place as possible, lest you risk dismissing it as entirely filthy and crowded.
Expo 58 (AKA World’s Fair of 1958) took place in Brussels and this 102-meter (~335 ft.) tall structure was built as an exhibition. At present, tourists line up to go inside the structure to get a view from the top. The one-way path also goes through several of the spheres via escalators, with some stairs also required.
Parc d’Osseghem Laeken
Expo 58 spanned 200 hectares (~500 acres) and while few original structures remain, this entire area is filled with things to see. Some are as frivolous as Little Europe, but it’s hard not to appreciate the parkland after being in the city center.
Leuven, Belgium
This post is being written from an AirBnB in Leuven, though it’s time to depart in an hour. That’s not nearly enough time to finish sorting through the dozens of photos, nor to pay tribute to such a marvelous experience. It’s small, yet sublime. For now, just a teaser: the same view visitors are greeted with when exiting the train station.